Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week 4: From Blizzards to Bread Basket

Farmers know how to party, although frankly, one can only hear so much about cow hooves without getting queasy.

When the owner of the theatre tells you they are "taking you to lunch", that apparently can mean that they will walk you to a local deli and immediately leave you and your cast to fend for yourself. We didn't cover this in business charm school.

The prairies are fascinating, which is, I believe, the first time that word has been used to describe prairies. The sheer nothingness is what grabs you. Free from the confines of buildings, plant life or even in the occasional hill, it's as if someone has taken an eraser to the horizon....and then used Word Paint to fill it in with blue.

And out of no where comes the windmills. Space-aged versions of what Don Quixote once challenged so foolishly, they appear giant and gleaming white stark against the silent sky like an alien race, but unobtrusively so...reminding you that you are, in fact, the intruder on their land.

Being limited to a VHS and a tape deck gives you excellent justification to play Fried Green Tomatoes, League of their Own, and the cassettes for NSYNC and the BackStreet Boys.

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