Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hearts Stars and Horseshoes

I am fully aware of all the Lucky Charms marshmallow shapes. From childhood, we have their names drilled into our heads far better than the state capitols or the names of the planets (RIP Pluto). From the original shapes (such as the horseshoe) to the more recent (such as the rainbow, which is actually just a horseshoe painted differently) we can all pretty much recite them. What I want to know is what the "oat" parts of the cereal are supposed to be shaped like. Neglected and ignored over the years, the actual cereal in this cereal seems to be shaped as bells, clubs, and fish. Are we really so infatuated with the marshmallows that we are resolved to create the oats in shapes not even worthy of the Kellog's JV team? Do these shapes represent something that when put in the right order symbolize the key to our pasts? Someone call Nick Cage, I've got another movie for him.

"Merry Christmas, Miss Kristen! Here's your present. It's a card and some money. Because grown-ups like money."~Four year old twins.

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