Monday, July 20, 2009

#26: Why was John Smith Australian?

The other day I found myself in the pediatric waiting room of a New Jersey surgical center. I was in the pediatric waiting room, because Rachel Ray was on in the adult waiting room and Pocahontas was in the children's room, so the choice was pretty much made for me. 
After the movie, I was trying very hard to ignore the documentary on Hannah Montana's Best of Both World's tour, when a young girl toddled in and started playing with the toys on the table. Her mother followed her in after a few moments. Her jeans were a size too small, and her shirt was far too short for a woman of her girth. Her multiple gold necklaces announced her arrival before she entered the room, and her hair was gelled into a messy, curly bird's nest the top of her head. 
"Where is the Cinderella doll?", her daughter asked. "Somebody stoled it. Just like always," snapped the mother. She collapsed into a chair, and turned to me with what can only be described as a scowl. "You gettin an injection?" I started and then smiled politely, "No, no, I'm just waiting for someone." She fixed her face into a disgusted grimace, as I had offended her with my answer, and she turned back to watch her daughter. Apparently, somebody stoled her social skills.

"I promise I won't make you have sex with grapes"~LM on stage direction.

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