Sunday, October 4, 2009

#31: Seeing Stars

My evening jog was interupted by a crowd of Philadelphians staring at the Union Trust building last night. Well aware that Paul Rudd, Reese Witherspoon, and Jack Nicholson are all shooting in our fair city right now, I decided to pause to rubberneck with the rest of the group. I waited for far longer than I would've cared to, listening to whispers of who was in there. One lady swore she saw Reese Witherspoon get out of the car. One was shouting "Hurry up! My dog's are hungry!". One was singing gospel hyms and preaching about the end of the world I'm not sure he was there for the movie. Let it be known that chanting "Move that bus!" when Septa blocks your view, is only slightly amusing the first time and loses all of it's novelty if you use it EVERY time a bus goes down Chestnut. My annoyance led me to move towards a new reporter from Fox 29 where the following interaction took place:

Peculiar young man: Is this part of the job description? I mean, waiting around and stuff?

Woman news reporter: We are working. 

Young Man: So it's the job. Do you get to meet the celebrities.

Reporter: Nope.

Young Man: Oh, that's cool. I mean, I'm in the Army. So you know, we're used to waiting around and stuff. I understand that.

Reporter: (Silence)

Young man: I'm not bothering you am I?

Reporter: No, it's just we're working and your hottie is getting picked up.

Young man: Oh! (Runs after the girl he was walking with who is now flirting with some random guy on the street)

That was enough for me, and I went home un-star struck. Luckily, I know where Paul Rudd buys his coffee ;)

"Must be the Bucket List"~Some foreign guy when the riggers dropped a bucket down for some water. Gotta admit, I chuckled.

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