Sunday, October 11, 2009

Every time you think you can predict the social reactions of Philadelphian's, they find a way to turn all the furniture in your mind apartment upside down. As devotees already know, I suffered a toddler-related injury on Monday and am currently relying on crutches to get around the city (are you crying for me yet? Please send flowers and "ankle strong" bracelets to the Lantern Theater). What has surprised me is the wide range of reactions from my fellow city dwellers. Old men with canes or walkers will often make jokes like "You'll be able to predict the weather for the rest of your life!" or "Hey! We should race!". One yelled as he passed by, "Whatsamatta? You get in a fight with your boyfriend?" To which I replied, "Yeah. You should see HIM." 

My boss prefers to steal them and hop around the theatre for twenty minutes while reviewing show reports, but perhaps the most interesting response came from two boys in wife-beaters driving an old army green pick-up truck. As the light turned green on Spruce, the driver yelled "CRUTCHES SUCK!" and sped off. Now, color me confused (crayola #62), but I can't figure out what his intentions were. Was he saying that he could relate to my plight? Was he saying that I in fact suck for being on crutches? Or was he simply saying that he's against crutches as a product of the medical industry? I guess I'll never know. I couldn't run after the truck fast enough. 

"It was like autumn exploded in my mouth"~JB on Dunkin Donuts pumkin muffins.

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