Sunday, October 4, 2009

#32: Global Warming on the Broad Street Line

I've discovered that I hate CCP even more during the day than I did this summer at night. While pushing my way on to the Broad Street Line, finger-spelling in my nerdy way, I realized that we were in the presence of the patented Subway Crazy. A Subway Crazy is someone who rides the subway not to get from point A to point B, but so they can shout their opinions on poverty, Obama, and white oppression. This particular Crazy was not dressed in the standard mustard-stained wife beater, but a neatly pressed black suit. His diatribe was as follows:

"You all ruined it. You messed it up. It's all messed up. We were better off before. When things were fair. Nothing's fair anymore."

Now, who he was talking about, I'm not sure. I assume, this particular subway car. Although, I find it difficult to believe that one car full of people could ruin the economy for the rest of the nation. A man behind me was on his cell phone and said "I don't care." Mishearing, the Crazy shouted out:

"Polar Bears?! The polar bears don't know what to do! The ain't got no where to walk. They can't walk no more. It's all melted. We were better as cavemans. Cavemen knew what they were doing. They didn't have no problems like we do."

Except, of course, for those damn saber-tooth tigers, but why ruin his dreams? 

"Mike: I'm not gonna write you a love song.
MF: Why not?
Mike: Because you asked for one."

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