Sunday, October 4, 2009

#33: Stories from the Box: Part 1

Saturday night shows bring out the crazy in Philadelphia theatre goers. After scrambling to get everyone in the theater after they all decided to show up at exactly 8:00 pm (not counting the couple who came in 20 minutes late), I thought selling concessions during intermission would be easier. A woman approached the counter with her daughter and her husband. 

Mom: "Whaddya want? You want to split a cookie with me?"
Daughter: "Not really."
Mom: "Well, whaddya want?"
Daughter: "Can I get a Reese's?"
Mom: "No, because you haven't had your dinner yet. Whaddya want? Ya wanna split a cookie with me?"
Daughter: " about Combos?"
Me: "Combos? Two dollars."
Mom: "No, she doesn't need that, because she hasn't had her dinner. Ya wanna split a cookie?"
Daughter: "No."
Mom: "I'll take a cookie and a coffee."

Five minutes pass, during which I leave for thirty seconds to get change from the box office, and the patrons decided it was appropriate to help themselves to the concession stand and just throw dollar bills behind the counter as payment. Finally, act II is about to begin.

Mom: "Do I have to throw this (coffee) out?"
Me: "If you want to leave it, I'll take care of it."
Mom: (to the house manager) "Do I have to throw this coffee that I just bought away?"
HM: "You have about two minutes."
Mom: "So, there's no way I can take it into the theater with me"
HM: "No, I'm sorry"
Woman: "Can I leave it out here and get it later?"

Mind you, this is a half-full dixie cup of crappy coffee we're talking about.

Me: "...yeah. sure."

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