Sunday, November 2, 2008

Scavenger Birds

As I was stomping around the Monmouth Cemetery looking for an inscription on our "Welcome to Monmouth" Scavenger hunt, I thought of some better things we could have to do besides buying cinnamon rolls or giving the people at town hall flowers.

1. Commit a crime. Get arrested to fin out where the Monmouth Police Station is.
2. Start a fire. This will show you where the Monmouth Fire Station is.
3. Rob the only bank in Monmouth to find where you can cash your checks. This can also be used with #1.
4. Instead of finding who sells "Alligator Ice", kill an alligator and make water ice out of him.
5. Die. To find out where the Monmouth Cemetery is. This may happen naturally is you are less successful with #4. 

"This lettuce is formidable!"~AS on the Grange salads.

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